
BezaleltheBuilder(withapologiestoBob).SermonbyJ.LigonDuncanonDecember8,2002—Exodus31:1-18.Listen.Toviewthisvideopleaseenable ...,GodgaveBezaleltheskillandabilityandsupernaturallyequippedhimtocompletetheworkwithprecision.Inturn,Bezalelfaithfullyacceptedtheinvitation ...,,2016年8月28日—AsIsaidatthebeginningofthesermon,wehavebeengiventasksaswell.Orwehavetheopportunitytoassumetasksthatneedtobedone...

Bezalel the Builder (with apologies to Bob)

Bezalel the Builder (with apologies to Bob). Sermon by J. Ligon Duncan on December 8, 2002 — Exodus 31:1-18. Listen. To view this video please enable ...

Blessed to be a Blessing (Bezalel)

God gave Bezalel the skill and ability and supernaturally equipped him to complete the work with precision. In turn, Bezalel faithfully accepted the invitation ...

Exodus 31:1

2016年8月28日 — As I said at the beginning of the sermon, we have been given tasks as well. Or we have the opportunity to assume tasks that need to be done ...

Gifted for the Work of the Kingdom: Exodus 31:2–5

2023年7月27日 — But He was God, and He knew exactly who Bezalel was and how He gifted him to do this work for His glory. Next, we see Bezalel was filled with ...

Sermons about Bezalel

God has always operated on the basis of grace in relationship towards sinful people, and He continues that work through Jesus and offers forgiveness and ...

The Making of a Bezalel

2018年10月29日 — Knows that God has Stirred them · 1 He made the altar of burnt offering of acacia wood. · 2 He made horns for it on its four corners. · 3 And he ...

Truth Talk (Sermon)

Bezalel, an ordinary man who did extraordinary things. His name means In the shadow of the almighty, and he was chosen by God to build the tabernacle and ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
